Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Update on Science Review

Last year I reported that I was working on a review into how science is taught in schools in Barnet. The committee which I am on has decided to concentrate by looking at the affect of the new GCSE science curriculum which has been introduced for year 10 students this year, while comparing it to the old curriculum.

We are about to embark on looking at a few case studies schools where we will be answering the following questions.

Questions to Staff

1. What science qualifications do you have? What initial training did you undertake?
2. How well prepared are you for the new GCSE courses?
3. How well do you understand the new pedagogy for teaching science?
4. What are your views on the new GCSE compared to the previous curriculum?
5. What are resource implications of the new GCSE?
6. Apart from the new GCSE what range of science courses are available to students in your school?
7. Do you think the new programme is likely to increase science take up post 16?

Questions to year 10 students:

1. What difference do you find between science classes in Y9 and Y10?
- more internet access
- more use of computer programmes
- different resources

2. Is it helping you understand issues around you?
- global warming
- environment

3. Does this course help you to be enthusiastic about studying in science post 16 – even at college/university?

Questions to Post 16 science courses students

1. Why did you choose science (specific subject?)
2. What aspirations do you have for science after school (college/work?)
3. How relevant do you find science to the world around/you?

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